Jiří Bezděk
Left for USSR as Czech teacher in 1927. Arrested in 1930. Deported to Solovetsky Islands and later Siberia. Returned to Czechoslovakia in 1936. Per...
Left for USSR as Czech teacher in 1927. Arrested in 1930. Deported to Solovetsky Islands and later Siberia. Returned to Czechoslovakia in 1936. Per...
Born in 1928 in the east of Slovakia. In 1947 his family left for the Soviet Union. In 1948 arrested and sentenced to 10 years in Gulag
Druhý díl z dokumentárního cyklu Češi a Velký teror „Prchajíce před kapitalistickým vykořisťováním a nezaměstnaností, přijeli před třinácti lety d...
Born in Czechoslovakia in 1920. Arrested entering the USSR in July 1940. Sentenced to three years in the Gulag in Kolyma. Released in 1943.
Born in 1935, for political protests he was sentenced to ten years in the Gulag in 1950 at the age of 14. After attempting to escape, he was senten...
Born in 1915. Fled to Poland in 1939 as a military aviator. Arrested by Soviet soldiers and sentenced to five years in the Gulag. Released in 1941.
Čtvrtý díl z dokumentárního cyklu Češi a Velký teror
Born on 7 April 1992 in the village of Sinevirská Poľana in Carpathian Ruthenia. Following the Hungarian occupation in 1939 she decided to escape ...
In March 1945 she was arrested and taken by Soviet soldiers to Kolyma, where her son Ján was born in the Gulag. After 1953 she returned to Slovakia...
Ján Košút was born in 1926 in the village of Vígľaš (Detva district) as one of nine children in the family of a railway worker. He attended element...
The unknown story of a man abducted by the Soviets from Prague to the Gulag in 1948. There he led a successful revolt and inspired Alexander Solzhe...
Koncem 30. let se Sovětským svazem přelila brutální vlna státního teroru proti vlastním obyvatelům. Oběťmi byli často občané „podezřelých“ národnos...
Born in 1926 in Czechoslovakia. Studied in Prague. Arrested in Lvov in 1948. Passed through the Gulag at Kolyma and Tayshet. Released in 1956.
Born in 1900 in Bohemia. Moved to the USSR in 1923 as a teacher to the Czech minority. Arrested in 1927 and imprisoned on the Solovetsky Islands an...
Born in Czechoslovakia in 1922. Arrested entering the USSR in October 1940. Sentenced to three years in the Gulag in Norilsk. In 1943 released into...
Anton Šilhavý pomáhal elektrifikovat SSSR, zatčen v roce 1936, poslán na Kolymu a popraven. Karel Šilhavý pracoval v SSSR jako inženýr, zatčen 1938...
Dvacátá léta dvacátého století, Praha. Černobílá fotografie: uprostřed Jaroslav Heyrovský, vynálezce polarografie. Muž, který se o tři dekády pozdě...
Born in Czechoslovakia in 1920. In 1939 decided to escape to the USSR. Sentenced to five years at a correctional labour camp for crossing the borde...
She received a medal from Stalin, then her husband was executed, her son (who later became the Soviet national artist) was taken away from her, and...
Born in Ukraine in 1900. Emigrated to Czechoslovakia in 1919. Arrested by the NKVD in May 1945. Sentenced to 10 years in Pechorlag. Returned to Pra...